Egypt's Sun King: Secrets...

Wednesday 19 February 4pm

Egypt's Sun King: Secrets...


  1. Wednesday 19 February 4pm

    Egypt's Sun King: Secrets And Treasures


A team of archaeologists discover the first new tomb to contain a body since the tomb of Tutankhamon. The tomb turns out to contain the mummies of a royal princess and a noblewoman. Right next door, archaeologists discover at least thirty mummies. A detective story gradually reveals the answer of who they are, and why they are there. So who are all these people? Solving this puzzle will involve hours of painstaking detective work and the latest technology as they begin to piece together the astonishing truth of these mystery tombs...


Season 2
  • Egypt's Sun King: Secrets And Treasures


    Next Showing
    Wednesday 19 February 4pm
    On National Geographic