Monster Fish

National Geographic
Monster Fish


Zeb Hogan is back, and he's setting out on a new series of adventures to help save the world's big fish. To do it, he'll head deep into the wild for some heart-pumping encounters with the biggest and most dangerous river monsters on the planet.


  • Vampire Fish


    Zeb is in search of one of the freakiest fish in the world. Vampire Fish, known locally as payara, weigh up to 40 pounds, hunt like great white sharks and make acrobatic leaps like giant tarpon.

  • Monster Fish: Fantastic Beasts


  • 400lb Super Stinger


    Join Zeb on his South American adventure as he navigates the murky rivers of Northern Argentina in search of the largest freshwater ray on the continent, the short-tailed river ray.

  • Giant Killer Catfish


    Join Zeb as he heads to the ancient French town of Albi in search of Europe's largest freshwater predator, the wels catfish, where he witnesses one of the most bizarre feeding behaviors he's ever seen

  • Shark Eating Goliath


    Join Zeb as he searches the tropical waters of Florida in search of the largest west Atlantic grouper, the goliath grouper.