Drugs Inc.

Friday 31 January 22:15 CAT

Drugs Inc.

Next trasmissions on tv

  1. Friday 31 January at 22:15 CAT

    Best In The Business (Extra)

  2. Saturday 1 February at 22:20 CAT

    Drug Makers, The (Extra)

  3. Monday 3 February at 22:10 CAT

    Going To Extremes (Extra)


Drugs Inc. 7 will expand the brand to embrace a variety of approaches: more events (a mix of date-specific and generic types of events), more vacations (including some foreign locations, beloved of American visitors), and high society (how the Inc works in supplying specific closed constituencies).


  • Holidaze (Compilation)


    Holidaze bears witness to the rise in demand for drugs during Mardi Gras, Spring Break, Independence Day, and New Years Eve.