Underworld, Inc.
Friday 21 February 21:20 CAT
Underworld, Inc.
Friday 21 February 21:20 CAT

Next trasmissions on tv
Friday 21 February at 21:20 CAT
Moonshine Mayhem (Season 2)
Saturday 22 February at 02:20 CAT
Moonshine Mayhem (Season 2)
Saturday 22 February at 21:30 CAT
Car Jackers (Season 2)
Moonshine Mayhem
+Underworld, Inc. explores America's Moonshine and liquor black market, from the Appalachian Mountains to NYC. Across the South, a new generation of Moonshiners make small batch, high quality 'shine. Their products are shipped north and east to urban markets thirsty for a taste of authentic liquor.
Next ShowingFriday 21 February at 21:20 CATOn National GeographicNext ShowingSaturday 22 February at 02:20 CATOn National GeographicCar Jackers
+Increased car security has meant that car criminals are becoming more ingenious than ever. For the gangs car theft can be more profitable than selling drugs. In Santa Maria, CA, three cars are stolen every day. The criminals rush to get the cars out of state, and then via corrupt shippers, overseas.
Next ShowingSaturday 22 February at 21:30 CATOn National GeographicNext ShowingSunday 23 February at 02:30 CATOn National GeographicThe Organ Trade
+The global black market kidney trade is thriving. Legal supply can't meet the demand. This has created a shady underworld of mercenary brokers, middlemen and corrupt doctors. For big money, they exploit vulnerable donors and desperate recipients alike.
Next ShowingMonday 24 February at 21:20 CATOn National GeographicNext ShowingTuesday 25 February at 02:20 CATOn National GeographicThe Money Laundry
+We follow the dirty drug dollars from American trap houses to wholesalers and transporters, funnelling billions into Mexico's money laundry. US authorities are closing in on cartel cash. If drug lords want their narco cheddar cleaned and moved into the banking system, they have to get it to Mexico.
Next ShowingTuesday 25 February at 21:20 CATOn National GeographicNext ShowingWednesday 26 February at 02:20 CATOn National GeographicPirates
+A new breed of pirates is terrorizing merchant seamen in the South China Sea - one of the most important shipping lanes in the world. They're on the hunt for black gold, targeting fuel tankers passing through. Local enforcement agencies are hot on their heels. But pirates have the advantage in international waters, where maritime law prevents coastguards from breaching borders. With 25% of the world's oil supply at stake, global groups bring in specialists to penetrate the pirate network. These investigators track phantom ships in search of middlemen making the deals. Their clients remain in the shadows; multi-millionaire moguls after a monopoly...
Next ShowingMonday 3 March at 21:20 CATOn National GeographicNext ShowingTuesday 4 March at 02:20 CATOn National GeographicFracking Hell
+In Williston, North Dakota, an oil mining boom has brought tens of thousands of blue-collar workers to this once sleepy town. But the 21st century 'black gold rush' has also attracted black market operators into town. Laid-off oil workers are becoming this underworld's most resourceful criminals.
Next ShowingWednesday 26 February at 21:20 CATOn National GeographicNext ShowingThursday 27 February at 02:20 CATOn National GeographicLas Vegas Hustle
+From card cheats, to armed robbers, to 'trick' rollers, criminals across America make a beeline for the casinos of Las Vegas. To defend themselves casinos have become crime fighting organizations - deploying state of the art surveillance backed up by an army of around 5000 security staff.
Next ShowingThursday 27 February at 21:20 CATOn National GeographicNext ShowingFriday 28 February at 02:20 CATOn National GeographicThe Black Market
+From phones to guns, cargo thieves cost the American economy over $30 billion a year. Fueling the robbery industry are countless numbers of people willing to buy at discount prices. A vast criminal network stretches beyond national borders, thieves deliver products to customers across the globe.
Next ShowingSaturday 1 March at 21:30 CATOn National GeographicNext ShowingSunday 2 March at 02:30 CATOn National Geographic