Secrets of Wild India

Secrets of Wild India: Kings of The Jungle © National Geographic
Secrets of Wild India


India is home to over a billion people with one fifth of the world's population on only 2% of the world's surface. Yet India still has a wild side, populated by giants, fierce predators, the rare and beautiful…all wrapped up in a land of extremes. 'Secrets of Wild India' celebrates the diversity and drama of India's extraordinary and varied landscapes. In this three-part series, each episode focus' on one iconic ecosystem, a snapshot of how life works in each unique environment. Packed with beauty, bizarre coalitions, hardship, death and new life, this series gives the viewer a front row seat to the wildlife spectacles that are the jewels in the crown of Asian natural history.


Season 1
  • Elephant Kingdom


    Secreted away in the shadow of the Himalayas, along the banks of the Brahmaputra River, roam One-Horned Rhinoceroses, Wild Buffalo and Asian Elephants. The last great herds of India's giant grazers. It is January, and six months of drought, fire and flood lay ahead of them. Seen through the eyes of a newborn elephant calf, this film portrays a land of unexpected contrasts and endless variety, unique to India and the world

  • Tiger Jungles


    In a battlefield ruled by tooth and claw, predators the Bengal tiger and the dhole, or Indian wild dog, compete for space, water and food.

  • Desert Lions


    In the harsh desert and salty drylands of India's northwest, only the best adapted animals survive sandstorms, drought and intense heat.