Unlikely Animal Friends Compilations

Unlikely Animal Friends Compilations


Never doubt the power of friendship. Unlikely Animal Friends documents heartwarming tales about special friendships an animal forms with either an animal of a different species or a human being.


  • Mini-Me


    From a surfing goat to a rock climbing cat, these pets and their owners share their hobbies together! These unlikely duos are the perfect partners in crime for all of life's adventures.

  • Can't Stop The Healing


    From a pair of battle buddies to a miniature horse that needed a prosthetic leg, nothing can stand in the way of true friendship.

  • All Buddies Great And Small


    From a squirrel in Baltimore to a pot-bellied pig in the heart of Texas, these furry creatures have captured the hearts of their canine besties.

  • Puppy Pals


    From a goat in Oklahoma to a cheetah in Oregon, some incredible pups have found best friends in the most unlikely places.

  • Silly Goose


    From a dolphin loving dog to a grizzly bear rescued from captivity, these unlikely friendships are a sight to see. These animals and humans, on land and in water, built a special bond.