When Nature Calls
When Nature Calls
Bobcat In The Coop
+In the suburbs of Chicago, Brad and Katy are on the hunt for a beaver that's wreaking havoc on private property. In Jacksonville, Ryan Boyd releases a colony of bats that have taken up residence underneath a homeowner's roof.
Snake, Rattle & Roll
+Wild hogs are Florida's weapons of mass destruction. To keep them from ripping up yards and intimidating homeowners, they need to be relocated, and fast. A coyote is spotted under a house in suburban Chicago, and two rattlesnakes are caught doing more than rattling in a backyard in Tucson.
Skunk In The Trunk
+Surprise! You've won a skunk in your car engine! A hide-and-go-seek skunk in Tucson needs to be caught before he stinks up a whole parking lot. A colony of bats are wreaking havoc in a suburban Chicago attic and need to be evicted before the bat guano takes over the house.
Between A Rock And A Raccoon
+In Florida, a raccoon is wedged in a screened-in porch and eager for rescue. A colony of brown bats in Alaska must be relocated to make it through the winter
Beaver Fever
+In the suburbs of Chicago, Brad and Katy are on the hunt for a beaver that's wreaking havoc on private property. In Jacksonville, Ryan Boyd releases a colony of bats that have taken up residence underneath a homeowner's roof. In Alaska, Keith uncovers a pesky red squirrel's secret stash. And later, Marc and Jeff rescue a frightened cat that got stuck up in a tree.
It's A Trap!
+In Tucson, Jeff and Marc rescue a skunk wedged between a shed and a brick wall in a homeowner's backyard. In Jacksonville, Ryan sets a flag trap for a bobcat wreacking havoc on a homeowner's livestock.