When Nature Calls

National Geographic
When Nature Calls


When the wildlife gets a little too close for comfort, Americans grab their phones and call for help. No matter how desperate, outrageous, or unbelievable; listen in and then hang on for the ride as we embed with six animal wranglers across the USA. This series is about the animals and the people who "help" them, but the animals are the real story.


Season 1
  • Bobcat In The Coop


    In the suburbs of Chicago, Brad and Katy are on the hunt for a beaver that's wreaking havoc on private property. In Jacksonville, Ryan Boyd releases a colony of bats that have taken up residence underneath a homeowner's roof.

  • Snake, Rattle & Roll


    Wild hogs are Florida's weapons of mass destruction. To keep them from ripping up yards and intimidating homeowners, they need to be relocated, and fast. A coyote is spotted under a house in suburban Chicago, and two rattlesnakes are caught doing more than rattling in a backyard in Tucson.

  • Skunk In The Trunk


    Surprise! You've won a skunk in your car engine! A hide-and-go-seek skunk in Tucson needs to be caught before he stinks up a whole parking lot. A colony of bats are wreaking havoc in a suburban Chicago attic and need to be evicted before the bat guano takes over the house.

  • Between A Rock And A Raccoon


    In Florida, a raccoon is wedged in a screened-in porch and eager for rescue. A colony of brown bats in Alaska must be relocated to make it through the winter

  • Beaver Fever


    In the suburbs of Chicago, Brad and Katy are on the hunt for a beaver that's wreaking havoc on private property. In Jacksonville, Ryan Boyd releases a colony of bats that have taken up residence underneath a homeowner's roof. In Alaska, Keith uncovers a pesky red squirrel's secret stash. And later, Marc and Jeff rescue a frightened cat that got stuck up in a tree.

  • It's A Trap!


    In Tucson, Jeff and Marc rescue a skunk wedged between a shed and a brick wall in a homeowner's backyard. In Jacksonville, Ryan sets a flag trap for a bobcat wreacking havoc on a homeowner's livestock.