Working alongside divers, wreck investigators and archaeologists, the series tells the stories of the final moments of ships...
Collisions at sea are of the most costly accidents, both financially and to lives. Exploring 3 historical wrecks – HMS...
Thousands of WW2 wrecks lay dormant in the world’s waters. 75 years later, the relentless power of the ocean has eroded...
During the First World War, two powerful warships, HMS Hampshire and HMS Vanguard, sank in controversial circumstances off the...
We explore three different German U-Boat wrecks from the First and Second World War with marine archaeologist Dr Innes...
The sea is unpredictable. Critical decisions made in the face of danger make all the difference. What sank the ocean liner...
Survivors' stories and world-leading shipwreck investigators uncover how the most powerful warships in history had their...
We uncover the remains of warships from the remote Pacific to the deep Atlantic revealing new insights into how the atom bomb...
This episode tells the stories of two shocking revenge attacks in WW2. In 1944, in retaliation for Pearl Harbor, the Americans...
The stories of two of the greatest failed invasions in the history of naval warfare. In 1588 King Philip II of Spain assembled...
In the wake of WWI, 74 of the most powerful warships of the German High Seas fleet disappear into the depths of Scapa Flow. We...