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  • Giving Pack show

    Giving Pack

    Living in fear of their dogs’ escalating hostility, sisters Johanna and Nailah have seen their relationship strained after...

  • Won't You Bite My Neighbor? show

    Won't You Bite My Neighbor?

    A Boston Terrier obsessively fights the Akita next door and strains a marriage. Two mixed Terriers terrorize the neighborhood...

  • Demolition Mina Plaza (Modon) show

    Demolition Mina Plaza (Modon)

    Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates. The coastal city has deep ties with the sea. At the Northern end of the...

  • Nature’s Bounty show

    Nature’s Bounty

    As harsh winter approaches, the next generation of Alaskans use any means necessary to prepare and protect their most valuable...

  • Zombie Fish show

    Zombie Fish

    Time is ticking for the residents of Alaska to stockpile fresh meat for winter. Johnny presses his luck trying to harvest...

  • Bird of Prey show

    Bird of Prey

    Alaskans must move quickly to secure food before winter covers the Arctic. The Roach family hopes to make up for lost time and...

  • Deadman’s Return show

    Deadman’s Return

    Mother Nature gives the Next Generation a run for their money as they prepare for her wrath. Alex Javor must use his resources...

  • Priceless show


    Alaska’s harsh dark winter approaches and the Next Generation races the clock in order to survive its wrath. The Millers...

  • The Pursuit show

    The Pursuit

    The next generation of Alaskans must rise to the challenge that Mother Nature throws at them in order to survive.

  • Power Under Pressure show

    Power Under Pressure

    Time is running out on seasonal harvests in Alaska and the next generation is forced to work smarter not harder to reap...

  • Dog Cabin show

    Dog Cabin

    The Next Generation will stop at nothing to secure crucial food stores and supplies no matter the risks at hand.

  • Ghost Forest show

    Ghost Forest

    As winter gives way to spring, the next generation of Alaskans must adapt to what Mother Nature throws at them or suffer the...

  • Giving Back show

    Giving Back

    As the icy landscape melts, Alaskans must adapt in order to endure the challenges that lay ahead.

  • Call of the Wolf show

    Call of the Wolf

    Nature’s bounty shifts with the change of seasons, and the next generation seeks out its rewards and must anticipate the...

  • Death Moan show

    Death Moan

    The changing seasons bring risks the next generation has yet to experience deep in the Arctic backcountry.

  • Breaking the Cycle show

    Breaking the Cycle

    Winter has arrived and the next generation of Alaskans must use ingenuity to adapt, survive and thrive. Sonta and Chevie Roach...

  • Beast Friends Forever show

    Beast Friends Forever

    A bald eagle prepares for its freedom, a harbor seal pup gets a rehab partner, and an orphaned caribou looks for a new family.

  • You're Owl I Need show

    You're Owl I Need

    A starving sea otter with a severe paw injury, three undersized owlets, and a surprise baby reindeer need to put on the pounds...

  • Wild Moose Chase show

    Wild Moose Chase

    A Steller sea lion pup learns how to swim, a bald eagle is rushed into emergency surgery, and a moose enters rut for the first...

  • Duck, Duck, Moose! show

    Duck, Duck, Moose!

    Wild animals big and small need help! A snowshoe hare needs a home, a bald eagle's 4 foot wing is injured, and a massive elk...